Monday, October 24, 2011

Planning vs. Obsessing

I know I have posted before about keeping it in the moment, however, I realize more than  ever now how important that is.  To remind yourself that all you can do is worry about *now*, that, who knows what will happen a minute, and hour or a year from now?  To spend all the time and energy projecting and worrying about that is counter-productive.  There is a difference between planning for the future and obsessing about it.  Planning is having an idea of where you want the journey to take you.  Obsessing is projecting what that end result will be.      More than ever, lately, I have tried to realize this distinction to allow myself to stay in the moment and not spin off into areas that will only lead to worry and remorse (those things that will surely lead anyone to drink!).

When I find myself spinning in that direction, it helps me to remind myself "thy will, not mine, be done".  It helps to remind me that I cannot control the future.  I can only look at now and see where the next step will take me.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thy Will Be Done, Not Mine

Sometimes I think (well, I know) I have spiritual dyslexia in that I read the phrase "My Will Be Done, Not Thine".  Just a few letters off, but, a world of difference in terms of spiritual pain, anguish and suffering.  I have been putting myself through the emotional wringer lately, and, I have forgotten the basic tenet of the journey of life.  What is happening is meant to be, and, we will see where it goes.  It is difficult to "Let Go, Let God", but, sometimes, in order to make it through, you need to